Two Men Travel Across America to taste C&K

A Semi-Christian and a Semi-Muslim take a road-trip across America in search of great BBQ, each other, and themselves They snap pictures and blog about each experience around the country. Pretty cool huh? We were reluctant to take a picture but these two charmers talked us into it, and we're glad we did, Check out this most appreciated review on C&K Barbecue.

We walked into C&K’s BBQ about 9pm, and it was packed. It’s take out only, and there was quite a crowd waiting. We walked up to the counter and Syed quickly ordered a plate of the beef ribs. I asked one older gentleman waiting for his order what he liked, and he said, “I get the snoot, and I get ‘em hot.”.

Well, how could I say no? I looked at the faded paper menu on the wall behind the counter and saw that one option was snout. I asked the guy tending the register what it was and he explained that it is thinly sliced pig snout, flash fried crispy, and then covered in barbecue sauce. I ordered it and waited excitedly.

Our orders came out quickly and we retreated to the parking lot to taste our final barbecue stop for the day. Syed’s order of ribs had to weigh 8 pounds. It was an enormous pile of the largest beef ribs you’ve ever seen. And the flavor was incredible, almost like a pot roast, and the meat just fell off the bone.

And the ’snoot’ was equally impressive. They are thick and crunchy and slathered in C&K’s own tasty sauce. I enjoyed them on their own and also wrapped in a piece of white bread.

With food this good, it was amazing how hungry we became once we started eating.

Brother and sister owners Jamila and Omari agreed to let us post their pic to the blog, and they even snapped a picture of their own of us! They sent us on our way with a bottle of their sauce to share with our friends back home… get ready, it’s excellent!

If you are anywhere near St. Louis, you’ve got to stop by C&K and enjoy their great food!


Why the Rib Sandwich is a Delicious Barbecue Oddity
